Robert E Keller

Non Attorney Representation of

 Appraisers and Real Estate Agents

in agency administrative hearings.

When your license matters!


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Non Attorney Representation of Appraisers and Real Estate Agents

  • In agency complaint cases and administrative issues before
    FREAB and FREC of DBPR.
  • Lender Rebuttal Requests.
  • FHA Inquire letters.
  • USPAP Compliance Issues.
  • Office audits from FREC

Robert E Keller has been a qualified representative in past cases, call to see if he qualifies for your FREC or FREAB issue. You have the right to representation as per FS.120.62


Qualified representatives are appointed on a case by case basis by the presiding agency officer. FREC and FREAB is Ms. Juana Watkins, Director.


Robert E Keller

727-638-6660 to mail documents or workfile information.



When your license matters!

Robert E Keller 1018 Oak Lake Dr. Clearwater, FL 33764 727-638-6660