Robert E Keller

Non Attorney Representation of

 Appraisers and Real Estate Agents

in agency administrative hearings.

When your license matters!


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Robert Keller

Certifications and Licenses

AQB Certified USPAP Instructor

Certified Residential Appraiser

Real Estate Broker

Certificate of Completion – Home Inspection

FL State License Residential Appraiser Instructor

FL State License Real Estate Instructor

FL State License School Permit Holder 

Approved Expert Witness
State of Florida Division of Administrative Hearings 


Course Curriculum Author – Approved by FL Division of Education & Testing

Bullet Proof Work File Course

Ethics in the Appraisal Business

FREAB Complaints & Your License

Investigative Review Course

Roles & Rules of Supervisors & Trainees

The Florida Rule & Law Update for 2010

Mortgage Fraud: A Year in Review – The FBI Report  


Professional Experience

Ø      Owner and Instructor of REK Real Estate School teaching Pre-License, Post License and Continuing Education courses for
Appraisers, Mortgage Brokers and Real Estate Professionals.


Ø      Real Estate Broker for over 25 years working in Sales, Leasing and Property Management, of Vacant Land, Commercial and Residential Properties.


Ø      Consultant for Attorneys and Appraisers during the state investigative review process to formulate responses and documentation requested by the State Investigator and staff attorneys.


Ø      Over Fifteen years of Vast Appraisal experience including Eminent Domain, non-lending Commercial, Residential, Historical, Forensic Reviews and Property Tax consulting.  Customer base consists of Accountants, Appraisal Management Companies, Lenders, Private Parties and Attorneys.

When your license matters!

Robert E Keller 1018 Oak Lake Dr. Clearwater, FL 33764 727-638-6660