Robert E Keller

Non Attorney Representation of

 Appraisers and Real Estate Agents

in agency administrative hearings.

When your license matters!


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Bob Keller is an invaluable resource for appraisers.  I received a letter from HUD notifying me their intention to remove me from the FHA Appraiser Roster for a 12 month period as a result of a review appraisal completed on my original report.  After I panicked and immediately imaged the worst case scenario, I contacted Bob Keller.  He assisted me in my written response as well as sat in on an hour conference call to help defend my appraisal.  With his knowledge and experience of the process, he helped me with a step by step course of action for the entire appeal process, and as a result, I was cleared of all pending sanctions.  If you ever receive a "letter" or "complaint", Bob Keller should be the first call you make!

Thank You,



Mr. Keller, 

I can’t thank you enough for your assistance with my recent matter.  I have to admit, receiving a letter and copy of review appraisal from a major lender questioning value on my appraisal was anything but comforting. I knew the lender was on a fast track to blame me for their losses. Having sat through many of your continuing education classes, I knew I was in a serious situation.  My first thought was to call you.  You were very familiar with the lender’s policies and their willingness to challenge appraisers at the state level. Seeking your council was the best thing I did. Thanks to your appraisal, review experience, and knowledge in USPAP; you were able to point out USPAP violations and serious flaws with the lenders review appraisal. Guess what? I have not received any further communication from the lender after they received our rebuttal letter.   Your council was worth every penny. Having you on my side is truly empowering. You are invaluable to my business and longevity in this career. You will forever be on my speed dial. 




Mr. Keller,

As an appraiser, if you’re ever in need of someone to defend you, definitely use Robert Keller. As many appraisers know the banks are looking for a way to recoup the money they lost and seem to like to come after appraisers all the time even if it’s not warranted. We had an issue come up with one such lender who was trying to discredit an appraisal that was done over 5 years ago, it was unjustified as the appraisal was good.  We had several meetings with Bob, in which he took time to go over with us what the complaining bank was doing from their end, what DPBR was looking for, and how we can fight the complaint. He took his time with us, never rushing and gave us precise instructions on what information we needed to gather, what questions were going to come our way, and how to handle those questions. Needless to say, the investigator agreed with us that this complaint did hold much value. I learned that banks or lender can try to come after you even if their complaint is frivolous and will sometimes keep going through appraisers to get a value they want so they can file the complaint.  I will always recommend Bob and now will start taking my continuing education requirements with him. He gives you real world knowledge and I can’t say thank you enough. He made something that is extremely stressful become manageable. He definitely was an advocate for me.

Thank you.



Mr. Keller,

In 2010 FREAB sent me one of those "Letters"..... you know the one, the kind letter that NO one like to get!! The letter read that "My presence was requested before the board in Orlando to review some accusations found during a routine investigation of Licensees. The first thing I did was PANIC! The second thing I did was call Bob at REK for guidance. After calming me down Bob, informed me of my options and laid out a clear path of the investigative process. The WORST thing I could have done is NOT immediately inform the state of the acquisitions... You know what they say "Hind sight is always 20/20". To make a long story short, Bob contacted the state on my behalf, put together a synopsis of events that replied to the complaints, and even went as far as accompanying me to the hearing. A HUGH weigh was lifted.... All complaints were cleared and my license was left intact with NO issues or events.

Thanks again Bob.





When your license matters!

Robert E Keller 1018 Oak Lake Dr. Clearwater, FL 33764 727-638-6660